District Events
Districts and their respective Oratorical Contest Committee Representatives
Are as follows:
Districts 1 ,2 & 7 Debra Jacobson [email protected]/ 503-939-6099
Districts 5 & 8 Carol Bova-Rice [email protected] /503-551- 0596
Districts 3, 4 & 9 Dale Jenkins [email protected] / 5 41-603-6339
Districts 6 & 10 Aaron Wetterling [email protected]/ 541-720-1815
The Oregon Oratorical Contest
For more information:
Oratorical Chair Person Carole Bova – Rice 503-551-0596
The Department of Oregon Oratorical Contest is scheduled for March 22, 2025 @ 10:00 am at Salem Post 45, 4774 Lilac Lane NE Salem, OR 97308 / 503-393-5560
Please notify all District Commanders.