The American Legion Department of Oregon


The American Legion conducts Oregon Boys State Leadership Academy. Oregon citizens who have just completed their junior year in high school are eligible to participate.

​This is your Boys State experience. You will make it truly outstanding. If you are in your Junior Year of High School or know a guy who is and want a great challenge this summer, check us out and sign up today, and Bring Your Wingman.


​The following rules will create a safe environment for everyone:

  • No weapons, including firearms, simulated weapons (i.e. nerf guns), knives, or other devices intended for bodily harm.
  • No illegal drugs, tobacco products, marijuana in any form, e-cigs (vaping) or alcohol.
  • Do not leave Western Oregon University Campus without permission.
  • No fraternization with the opposite sex.
  • Attend all functions and keep the schedule.
  • Dress in the Boys State uniform at all times*.
  • Any damage done by you to the University, Legion or others personal property is your responsibility.
  • We will not tolerate any sexual harassment and/or hazing of any kind.
  • *After hours is from 11PM to 7AM.


Rules are not subject to negotiation, change, or disobedience.

  • The Boys State Director is the only one who can approve exceptions to these rules. Report any citizen in violation of one or more rules to the Director. The consequences for breaking a rule can lead to dismissal. The safety of the citizens is our top priority:
  • Citizens who bring vehicles need to register them with Boys State and surrender their keys for the duration of the week. The American Legion Boys State assumes no liability for theft, damage, or loss to vehicles brought to Boys State.
  • Visitors must register with the Director.
  • Alert the Director and/or Boys State Medical Officer of any possible allergies, medical or psychiatric conditions, medications or any other impairments or different abilities or needs you may have immediately upon arrival at Boys State. We will make every effort to accommodate your needs.
  • Prescription and non-prescription medications must be in their original containers with the citizen’s name AND the pharmacist or manufacturer instructions on the label. For the safety of all citizens, everyone will surrender all medications need to the Medical Officer, who will supervise dispensing of prescription medication according to the prescription.
  • Immediately report any injuries or accidents to the Director or Medical Officer​
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