The American Legion Department of Oregon


While you are at Boys State, you will be unable to leave for shopping and other tasks.  As such, you should come well prepared for the adventure that awaits.

Your Binder – Please print and read (in advance of coming to Boys State) the following items.  They will help you prepare for your arrival.  You must bring a copy of these documents with you to Boys State.  You may bring it in electronic format (i.e. PDF on iPad), but you should also print out a hard copy and bring that in a binder.  You will use the binder as you receive, collect, and create other documents at Boys State.  If you fail to bring a binder, you will need to purchase one on site for $20.


You will receive polo-style uniform shirts, recreation t-shirt, backpack, lanyard, name tag, and other appropriate gear upon arrival.  In addition, please bring the following items with you to Boys State:

  • Personal toiletries (deodorant, soap, razor, toothpaste, toothbrush, etc.)
  • 7 changes of undershirts, underwear and socks
  • Shoes:  recommend two pairs:  one pair of comfortable black dress shoes and a pair of athletic shoes (no cleats).
  • a belt and other personal accessories
  • Shorts and casual attire (optional, for physical training, after-hours, activities, and field day).
  • 2 Towels
  • Bedding, including sheets and blanket OR sleeping bag
  • Pillow
  • 3 pair of black slacks.


During Boys State, you will wear the standard uniform at all times, except:

  • After you are in your dorm at night
  • Recreation period(s)

The standard uniform includes a shirt, lanyard, and name tag which we will provide.  It also includes the black pants, socks, shoes, belt etc. as indicated in the Personal Gear section, above.

For the recreation periods you may wear shorts, t-shirts, etc.  We have Official Property of BS Athletics T-shirts available for sale at Boys State and also during check-out, if you wish.


  • Weapons, simulated weapons, firearms, fireworks, explosives, or other dangerous devices
  • Alcohol, tobacco, marijuana (in any form), e-cigs (vaping) or illegal drugs
  • Pornography or inappropriate reading materials.

Violation of these rules can and will result in you going home.


  • You will need cash for the following items:
  • $50 registration fee* (unless pre-paid) + Processing Fee**
  • $20 for parking if you bring and plan to park your own automobile or motorcycle.
  • $20 if you forgot to bring your prepared binder.
  • Money to buy extra shirts, polos, hoodies, etc.
  • Additional cash for snacks, drinks, clothing items etc. from the new General Store.
  • *Registration fee is non-refundable, except in specific circumstances, such as death or hospitalization.
  • **A small processing fee is charged for both online and offline transactions.


Prescription or not, you must report and/or check in to the medical officer upon arrival.

Theft, while very rare at Boys State, is possible with the Open Campus policy at Oregon Sate  University.  Exercise common sense and care when considering whether or not to bring the following items:

  • Cell Phones (Note:  Keep all cell phones on SILENT and only use when appropriate.)
  • Computers/laptops
  • iPods and MP3 players
  • iPads or other tablet computers
  • We will make no effort to locate lost or stolen items.  You assume all risk when you bring expensive equipment to Boys State.

Remember:  You must have completed your junior year of High School and be entering your Senior Year in order to register as a Citizen.

Any questions?  Contact the Director:  [email protected]

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